Stories Beyond Borders

Working Films

International House/La Coalicion

Drive In

International House Parking Lot
1817 Central Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205

Phone: 704.333.8099

Drive In Film Screening
Filmmakers Will Be Present In Person or Virtually

Limited Parking Places and Bike Ins, reserve your ticket now.


Stories Beyond Borders is a collection of documentary films on the impact of the attacks on immigrant families and communities in the United States.

These five short films lift up real stories of resilience and strength, illustrating some of the ways people can give their time, energy, and resources to support immigrant communities.

Stories Beyond Borders presents a counter-narrative to negative portrayals of undocumented immigrants in mainstream media and to support statewide and local organizing efforts for immigrant justice.

The filmmakers will participate in a post-screening question and answer over the internet.

This program is cosponsored by ACLU of NC, Action NC, For Freedoms, International House, Latin American Coalition/La Coalicion


  • Sanctuario by Christine Delp and Pilar Timpane
  • Not A Citizen by Daniel Quintenilla and Hanji Chang
  • The Legacy of Zero Tolerance Policy by Almudena Toral, Lorena Arroyo, and Cindy Karp
  • The Dream Riders by Konrad Aderer
  • Undocujoy! by Monica Medellin, Shauna Siggelkow, Yosimar Reyes, & Define American